Private and Public Information

The University collects and maintains a variety of information, including information about its students, faculty, staff and others. This information is collected in order to conduct University business. Information is classified as private or public based on federal and state law.

Private information can only be released to the subject of the information and to those within the university who have a legitimate need-to-know, outside entities with the subject’s written permission, and others as allowed by law.

Public information is available to anyone who requests it, except in the case of student data, when the student has requested that no public information about him/her be released without express written permission.

Private Information

Employee Information

  • Social security number
  • Birth date
  • Home phone number
  • Home address
  • Passwords
  • Parking leases
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Citizen visa code
  • Veteran and disability status
  • Evaluative information
  • Promotion and Tenure Files
  • FMLA and/or medical information

Non-Directory Student Information

  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Grades
  • Courses taken
  • Schedule
  • Test scores
  • Advising records
  • Educational services received
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Student ID

Financial/Credit Cards

  • Credit card numbers

Attorney-Client Information

Security Information

Labor Relations Information

Trade-Secret Information

Public Information

Employee Information

  • Name
  • Salary
  • Gross pension
  • Value and nature of fringe benefits
  • Expense reimbursements
  • Job titles
  • Job description
  • Education and training
  • Previous work experience
  • First and last employment
  • Existence and status of complaints
  • Terms of buy-out agreements
  • Final disposition of disciplinary actions
  • Work location
  • Work phone number
  • Badge number
  • Honors and awards received
  • Payroll time sheets
  • Employee ID
  • University email address

Student Directory Information

Effective August 1, 2021: The following information is public, unless the student has requested non-disclosure (suppress).

  • Name
  • Dates of enrollment
  • Enrollment status
  • Major
  • Adviser
  • College
  • Class
  • Academic awards and honors
  • Degree received
  • For students appointed as fellows, assistants, graduate, or undergraduate hourly employees, directory information shall also include: their title, appointing department or unit, appointment dates, duties, and percent time of the appointment.


  • Financial data on public sponsored projects
  • Commercial/Research Agreements (including, external sales, licensing, sponsored research agreements when the University is a party.)
  • Course offerings
  • Invoices and purchase orders
  • Budgets

Contact Us

Douglas R. Peterson
General Counsel

Office of the General Counsel
360 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455

612-624-4100 (phone)

Make a data request through the Data Request Center.

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