
Capital Planning and Project Management (CPPM) is responsible for planning, designing, and constructing fixed assets of the University, including buildings, furnishings and equipment, and utility infrastructure. The Board of Regents must approve purchases of construction or other services with a value greater than $1,000,000. Under Regents Policy, all University contracts must be on standard University forms or on forms approved by the OGC. Standard contracts for the design and construction process can be found on CPPM’s website. Most are American Institute of Architects (AIA) forms, modified by the University and approved by the OGC. The Standards and Procedures for Design, incorporated by reference into each of the standard contracts between the architect/engineer and the University, set forth the procedures, policies, and basic minimum requirements for materials and products included in construction projects. Contractors must comply with the University’s Targeted Business, Urban Community Economic Development, and Small Business Programs policy adopted by the Board of Regents. See the President's Delegation of Authority Library to determine who has authority to execute design and construction agreements. Contact CPPM’s Assistant Director, Business Services for questions related to the appropriate contract form. Contact Beth Zamzow or Dan Piper regarding legal issues about construction.