International Programs

Staff Contacts

In the international contracts area, Ruilin Li’s primary client is the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance (“GPS”) unit. Most University Departments are involved in international activities, though, and therefore Ruilin’s client base in this area is systemwide. A unit contemplating a new international activity should first contact GPS. 

International activities at the University are very diverse, but often involve a relationship with a foreign institution for student and/or faculty exchanges. To assist with the contractual relationships, OGC has developed a series of International Affiliation Agreement templates, which are available on the OGC contracts library and allow a unit to merely add the specific terms of its proposed relationship to the word fillable template and produce a contract to share with the affiliate. Not only does this simplify the initial process, it also enables the parties to renew the agreement for subsequent terms with a simple Schedule to the Agreement. For other international activities, additional templates have been developed as well. All of the templates include terms to protect both parties and also address common issues such as insurance, how the exchange will work, etc.